Night to Shine

Stayed tuned for details on Night to Shine 2026!

Night to Shine is an unforgettable prom night experience, centered on God’s love, for people with special needs, ages 14 and older.

2025 Photos


What does Night to Shine look like?

Night to Shine is a celebration! Although, every event looks a little different and is extra special, some of the elements included are a red carpet entrance complete with a warm welcome from a friendly crowd and paparazzi, hair and makeup stations, shoe-shining stations, limousine rides, corsages and boutonnieres, a catered dinner, dancing, karaoke, gifts, a Respite Room for parents and caregivers, and, a crowning ceremony where every honored guest receives a crown or tiara.

Where is the event?

Night to Shine will happen around the world on the same date, February 7, 2025, hosted by local churches. Holly Brook Baptist Church is an approved host and will be hosting a prom.

What will each honored guest experience?

Upon arrival, guests will check in, receive instructions, name tags, and directed to our venue. Each honored guest will be paired with a “Buddy” who has been carefully selected as well as fully background screened and trained. This Buddy will hang out the entire event with the honored guest. Then, the guest and his/her escort will be taken to a stretch limo where they can celebrate and travel for a bit before hitting the Red Carpet. The Red Carpet will be adorned with paparazzi and people cheering you on as you enter the prom experience. The prom experience will include dinner for the honored guests, of course dancing and music, karaoke, dessert, and a crowing ceremony in which each guest receives a crown.

Does the escort need to stay with the Honored guest since he/she will have a buddy?

No, the idea is to allow the escorts to have their own respite space. In that space, the escort will enjoy dinner and the opportunity to interact and connect with other Special Needs families and caretakers. In the event that the Honored Guest requires medical care or needs the escort to stay with them, that can be arranged. However, we have a fully trained medical team on hand to assist if necessary.

What is the dress code for this event?

This event is formal/semi formal. Makeup artists (women) and hair stylists (for men and women) will be available for touch-ups at the beginning of the event.

HBBC has a few prom dresses and suit jackets available- please call the church for sizes available!

Men's Wearhouse in Tyler is offering a discount on tux rentals and purchases! Click the link at the bottom of this page for details.

How would you define an individual with special needs?

The event is open to anyone with physical or cognitive special needs, ages 14 and older (there is no age maximum). We do not have specific guidelines for the eligibility of guests in relation to the legitimacy or severity of their disabilities.

Can we donate to Night to Shine with HBBC?

Yes! We are accepting donations for this event, including gifts for guests and parents, and monetary donations to help support the event. Please contact the church for information on how to give.

How would you define an individual with special needs?

Men's Wearhouse Flyer
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