MOMs stand firmly on the Word of God and in the power of prayer. They lift up their loved ones and all military personal in prayer daily for their protection and safety no matter where they are serving. Please join them if you have a loved one serving or want to support our country and military with prayer. They meet the second Sunday of each month at 5:00 pm in Room C108. If you can not attend in person, they have a zoom meeting set up as they have members that live in Tyler and Houston.
If you like to sew and visit or want to learn to sew or just want to visit this is the place for you! Stitchers meet each first and fourth Tuesday of the month from 9:00 AM – 12 noon on the 2nd floor of the Family Life Center in Room D209. Just look for the banner on the door! The Stitchers meet to serve the sewing needs of the church as the needs come to them. They make pillows with a matching bags for church members who have a surgery, quilts for new babies in our church, quilts for the nursing homes, pillows for cancer patients, and dresses/shorts for missions in Africa, Christmas stockings, pillowcase dresses for the Obadiah Ministry, and items for the Hwy 80 Ministry in Longview.
The Holly Art Group meets the 3rd Monday of each month in Room D105-107 in the Family Life Center from 9:00 am – 3:00 pm. The group works on creative projects while sharing a devotional time and delicious food. In the morning session they learn a new craft technique or new craft project. After lunch, they create beautiful Get well, sympathy and Welcome to Holly Brook greeting cards that are available in the church office for all members to use for ministry.
Our Women on Mission (WOM) group meets every third Tuesday at 10:00 am from September – May in Room D105-107. Their desire is to lead ladies to experience missions personally by developing missions awareness and by supporting mission work through prayer and giving. The meetings vary from studying about our Baptist Mission work in Texas (State Missions), United States/Canada (North American Mission Board), and International Missions (International Mission Board) to hands on mission projects to speakers sharing about their mission experience. The ladies have a fun time of sharing laughter, food, friendship, and prayer.